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Staff diversity and inclusion policy


Rest has a large and diverse membership. Rest members come from a broad range of backgrounds, cultures, gender, age, language, culture, sexual orientation, religious belief, family responsibilities, marital status, life experience, education, socio-economic background, disabilities, personalities, values, perceptions and attitudes.

Rest recognises that people from different backgrounds bring different skills, knowledge and experiences that assist in acting in the best interests of our members – who themselves represent a broad and diverse range of Australians. Accordingly, Rest is committed to promoting a culture that actively values those differences and believes that diversity is an important part of promoting that culture.

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Rest’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


The policy applies to the Rest Workforce at the Workplace


Rest is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and the ongoing development of a work culture that is built on respect and accountability.

We maintain compliance with relevant legislation and encourage and enforce the following principles as the foundations of how we operate:

  • recruiting and retaining a skilled and diverse workforce that is free of discrimination and eliminating artificial barriers to career progression
  • providing a fair and equal employment process that appoints individuals based on relative ability, performance and potential, as well as actively ensuring gender pay equity
  • developing and offering flexible work practices to meet the differing needs of employees in the context of business requirements
  • fostering a culture, including through consultation, education and training, that promotes diversity and rewards people for furthering the objectives of this policy
  • maintaining a safe and inclusive working environment that is respectful of individual differences and attributes and is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and victimisation.

The above commitments also align with relevant Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) legislation including the 6 Gender Equality Indicators in Australia.

Supporting policies

The above principles are supported through the following processes and procedures:

  • actively reviewing Rest’s recruiting practices, policies and procedures to reduce bias, both conscious and unconscious, on a regular basis and to ensure that a diverse range of candidates are considered
  • actively reviewing and benchmarking remuneration relativities to ensure that there is no gender pay difference for the same work
  • implementing learning programs that build awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion and that seek to ensure that employees and leaders are aware of their responsibilities in relation to equal opportunity and diversity and inclusion
  • ensuring that diversity is considered in performance, talent management and succession planning activities to build a diverse pool of skilled and experienced employees
  • setting, measuring and tracking targets for the number of women including in management and senior leadership positions as well as at the board level to ensure fair and diverse representation
  • actively reviewing leave and work practices to support flexibility and differing needs of our diverse workforce and report on progress. 

Responsibilities and authorities

The following roles and responsibilities apply:

Policy Approver -
People Culture and Remuneration Committee (PCRC)
  • Approval of this policy and any material amendments to it.
  • Overseeing the implementation and overall effectiveness of this Policy.
Executive Leadership Team
  • Ensure compliance with this Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy across their teams.
  • Advocates for Rest’s diversity, equity and inclusion commitments and priorities.
Policy Owner –
General Manager,
People & Culture
  • Responsible for the development, maintenance and application of this Policy and for ensuring that the promotion and improvement of gender equality, as determined by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 and the Equality Act 2010 (UK), is implemented within Rest.
  • Communicating this Policy to relevant stakeholders across Rest, and providing implementation support through the provision of, for example, information, training, tools and templates.
  • Monitoring compliance with this Policy and periodically reviewing its design and operating effectiveness.
  • Reporting on this Policy to the Policy Approver and other governance forums, as appropriate.
  • Proposing material updates/changes to the Policy Approver.
People Leaders Responsible for demonstrating inclusive leadership behaviours so that people feel valued and psychologically safe in the workplace. This includes supporting our strict approach to removing discrimination, harassment and bullying.
Rest Workforce
  • Responsible for reading, acknowledging and adhering to this Policy.
  • They are accountable for treating others with dignity and respect and exhibiting conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the work site, and at all other company-sponsored and participative events.
  • All of Rest’s Workforce are also required to attend and complete scheduled diversity awareness training to enhance their knowledge to fulfil this responsibility.
Workplace Any place where a worker goes or is likely to be while work is carried out for a business or undertaking.


Board Board of directors of the Trustee Company
Committee A committee of the Board
Diversity Includes age, caring responsibilities, cultural identity, disability, gender expression and identity, ethnicity, family/relationship status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and/or socio-economic background. Diversity also encompasses the many ways people differ in terms of their education, life experience, location, personality, ways of thinking, and work experience.
Executive A member of Rest’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
Fund Retail Employees Superannuation Trust (Rest) ABN 62 653 671 394
Inclusion Inclusion occurs when a diversity of people (e.g. of different ages, cultural backgrounds, genders) feel valued and respected, have access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute their perspectives and talents to improve their organisation
Rest The Trustee Company in its capacity as trustee of the Fund, and its controlled entities.
Rest Workforce Directors, and all employees including ongoing and fixed term contract employees, Executives, secondees, contractors, and temporary staff directly employed via agencies (including those based outside Australia).
Trustee Company Retail Employees Superannuation Pty Limited ACN 001 987 739


This Policy should be read and followed in conjunction with the following internal documents:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Flexible Workplace Arrangements Policy
  • Leave Policy
  • Discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying Policy
  • Learning and development Policy
  • Remuneration Policy
  • Recruitment and resourcing Policy
  • Grievance handling Guidelines

Amendment to Policy

Rest may discontinue or amend any part or the whole of this policy from time to time in its absolute discretion.

Review of Policy

The Policy Owner will review this Policy every 2 years, or following a material change to the internal or external environment (e.g. material change in business or operating model, or change in law), to consider whether the Policy remains consistent with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and is designed and operating effectively.

Results of reviews must be documented and may include recommended changes to be made to the Policy and related compliance arrangements. They must be communicated to the Chief Strategy, People & Corporate Affairs Officer and approved by the Policy Approver.

For out of cycle reviews, material changes to this Policy must be approved by the Policy Approver. Non-material changes, as determined by the Policy Owner, may be approved by the Policy Owner.

Rest may discontinue or amend any part or the whole of this Policy from time to time at its absolute discretion.