Rest’s Balanced – Indexed investment option recognised with Best of the Best award

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Thursday, 28 November 2019

Money Magazine Award

Superannuation fund Rest has received one of Money magazine’s prestigious Best of the Best awards for its ‘Balanced – Indexed’ investment option, a passively managed index option with 0.0 per cent, per annum investment-management fees.
Balanced – Indexed was the gold winner in the ‘Cheapest balanced product 2020 ($20,000 balance)’ category in Money magazine’s 2020 Awards, which were announced yesterday at an event in Sydney.
Balanced – Indexed is one of Rest’s three index investment options, launched in late 2018, and designed to follow a combination of Australian shares, overseas shares, bonds and cash indices. The option has 0.0 per cent, per annum investment-management fees, performance-related fees and indirect costs.* 
Rest’s Chief Executive Officer, Vicki Doyle, said: “The Money magazine Best of the Best award is great recognition of the value we provide to our members.
“Rest prides itself on thinking member-first, and we are proud to give Australians greater choice in how their retirement savings are invested.
“Our range of index investment options are designed for members looking to add a low-fee option to their portfolio. This allows them to select an option that suits their needs and take greater control of their financial future through their super fund.”
The fund introduced three index low-fee investment options in December 2018. In addition, to Balanced – Indexed, Rest also launched Australian Shares – Indexed and Overseas Shares – Indexed.
These passively managed investment options are designed to complement Rest’s actively managed Core Strategy default option, which includes property and infrastructure, and has delivered a strong return of 8.25 per cent per annum during the past 10 years to 31 October 2019.
For more information about the new investment options, go to Rest’s website at or speak to a Rest Adviser to discuss your investment options.
* Rest’s administration fee of $1.30 per week and 0.1 per cent of a member’s account balance each month, and a buy spread still apply. Members with insurance will pay premiums.



For further information, please contact:
Pauline Hayes
Head of Corporate Communications
m: 0458 815 252


 Michael Mills
Corporate Communications Manager
m: 0428 499 722