Changing jobs?

Want to make sure your super stays in good hands? It’s easy with Rest.

Taking your Rest account with you to your new job is quick and easy. You can either complete a standard choice form with Rest’s details or send our fund nomination form directly to your new employer. Simple.

Looking for Rest’s fund details and your member number?

Has your new employer asked you to complete a standard choice form? Simply complete the form using Rest’s details below and your member number, attach our compliance letter and send it off to your new employer.



Rest ABN:

6265 3671 394

Rest Postal Address:

PO BOX 350
NSW 2124

Rest phone number:

1300 300 778

Download Rest’s compliance letter

Download now

What’s my member number?

Find my member number

How to stay with Rest when changing jobs?

Want to send Rest’s fund nomination form to your new employer?

If your employer hasn’t provided a standard choice form yet, you can simply fill out Rest’s fund nomination form with your personal details and Rest member number. Then send the signed form, which includes Rest’s compliance letter, to your employer – easy as.


If you want to do it on the go, log in to the Rest App, click on the ‘Changing jobs’ section and send the pre-filled form straight from your phone. 

Open the app

Why stick with Rest?

^Core Strategy has returned 8.29% p.a. since 1988. Core Strategy returns are the compound average effective rate of net earnings since inception to 30 June 2024. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Blue wallet with three superannuation cards

Do you have multiple super accounts?

If you’ve had a few jobs then you might have had multiple super accounts before joining Rest. If you want to keep your super in one spot, we can help you find and combine your super.

We're here to help

Speak with a real person via live chat. Our customer service consultants are available Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 9am - 5pm (AEST/AEDT).

Want to learn more?