Learn about retirement

Planning for retirement
Making downsizer contributions
Aged 55 and over? You can put some of the money from the sale of your home into your super account.

Simplifying your government Age Pension application
Learn about some of the support and services available to you when applying for the government age pension.

Transitioning to retirement
Are you transitioning to retirement
A Rest Transition To Retirement Strategy may be the middle ground you're looking for.

Planning for retirement
How much super do I need to retire?
Learn more about how much you might need to retire, retirement budgets, retirement lifestyles and how much you might need each year in retirement.

Planning for retirement
How much super can you have and still get the Age Pension?
Thinking of applying for the Age Pension? Find out how your super balance and overall assets could affect your eligibility for Age Pension payments.

Unexpected events
Returning to work after you’ve retired and accessed your super
Most retirees can return to work after accessing their super but there are things to consider.

Planning for retirement
What are the latest Age Pension rates and limits?
In this article, we’ll walk you through the current pension rates and Age Pension limits.

What is the retirement age in Australia?
Find out the differences between the retirement age, preservation age, and Age Pension age.

Planning for retirement
How does super work when you retire
You’ve been saving up your super over the years, and now that it’s time to retire, you’re wondering how do you access all that money and help make it last?

Planning for retirement
When should I retire?
Wondering when you should retire? Learn about some of the things to consider before deciding what the right age is for you to retire.

Planning for retirement
Worried about running out of super in retirement?
While an exciting life stage, many older Australians have financial concerns about their retirement.