Time for a Super Health Check?

See how you can get your super looking fit in just 5 minutes

In just 5 minutes, you may have your future self saying thank you.

Rest members have 24/7 access to the Super Health Check at no additional cost.
Light bulb


Before you start, make sure you have your Rest member number handy.

What are the benefits?

Like your physical health, it’s always a good idea to give your superannuation a health check.

The Super Health Check could prompt you to consider:

*Before combining your super, consider if Rest is right for you. Check out the fees and costs of your other fund plus any benefits that would be lost, such as insurance cover. Make sure your other fund knows about any contributions you intend to claim a tax deduction for, before combining with Rest. If you have any questions, speak to a licensed financial adviser or visit the ASIC MoneySmart website for more information.

Try the Super Health Check today!

How is the Rest Super Health Check like an acai bowl?

A smartphone held with the text Super Health Check displayed on the screen

Got 5 minutes?

Help whip your super into shape with our Super Health Check

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