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Investment performance

At Rest, we follow an approach of staying long-term focused, well diversified and disciplined. After all, it’s the impact of long term performance and fees on your balance that largely determine how much you end up with.


Notes/Important information

Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Investment returns are calculated after tax on investment income, and investment fees and costs and transaction costs, but before the deduction of administration fees.

FYTD return means the Financial Year to Date return starting from 1 July.

N/A is shown where an investment option has not been available for the relevant time period.

The Bonds, Property, Diversified, Shares, Australian Shares and Overseas Shares investment options were removed on 2 November 2024. Click here for the investment performance of these options to 31 October 2024.

From 1 July 2017, investment performance for Rest Pension TTR accounts is the same as Super investment performance. This reflects changes to tax rules from 1 July 2017 which require investment returns on TTR accounts to be taxed at 15% per annum. Rest Pension TTR 10-year performance is different to both Pension and Super returns as it reflects performance of Rest Pension for the period prior to 1 July 2017 and Rest Super from 1 July 2017.

Inception dates for each investment option

 The commencement date for each investment option and product is listed below:

Option Rest Rest Pension
Growth 01-07-88 15-10-06
Cash 01-10-98 30-09-02
Capital Stable 01-10-98 13-09-02
Balanced 01-10-98 13-09-02
Balanced - Indexed 06-12-18 06-12-18
Sustainable Growth 29-03-21 29-03-21
High Growth 01-10-98 11-07-03
Australian Shares - Indexed 06-12-18 06-12-18
Overseas Shares - Indexed 06-12-18 06-12-18
Bonds 01-10-98 30-09-02
Property 01-03-02 04-10-02
Diversified 01-10-98 13-09-02
Shares 01-10-98 30-09-02
Australian Shares 01-03-02 24-01-03
Overseas Shares 01-03-02 18-07-03

Unit Prices

To view unit prices for all investment options click below.

Switching investment options