Insurance helps you protect yourself and your loved ones from the unexpected.

Rest believes affordable and quality insurance is an important part of your super. We care about looking after you - that's why we offer death, total and permanent disability (TPD) and income protection (IP) cover to our members.

We understand it can be hard to know where to start when making a decision about your personal insurance, so we’ve broken it down for you below in three helpful PDF guides.

Because this page contains general examples, see your Rest Super Insurance Guide or Rest Corporate Insurance Guide for the details of your cover.

Insurance in Super

Click on the buttons below to download our helpful PDF guides

Want to learn more about insurance?

Rest's insurance strategy

Insurance Strategy - This outlines some of the principles we considered when designing our automatic insurance cover and will help you decide whether automatic insurance cover is right for you

Compare insurance

And we’ve created Key Facts Sheets for Rest Super and Rest Corporate allowing you to easily compare the key features of our automatic insurance cover offerings against others in the market.

Rest's claims philosophy

The following strategic priorities guide our mindset, decision-making and behaviour and form the basis of the Rest's claims philosophy:

  • Hone for speed: we’re always refining our process to settle claims faster
  • Minimise impact: we limit what we ask of others
  • One team: we’re an integrated and supportive team
  • Every story matters: we listen to and respect our claimants’ stories
  • Supported journeys: we help our claimants complete their claim, and aid in their recovery.

Rest’s claims philosophy aims to

  • provide an empathetic claim experience as opposed to a mere transactional claims process
  • ensure members can easily access support in times of need
  • actively care for members and prioritise care over assessing/settling a claim
  • support members through the claims process and assist them in the next steps of their journey.

The Rest claims philosophy includes consideration of the approach its Insurers have when managing claims. Rest and its Insurers agree on service standards terms documented in a contractual agreement. Rest expects its insurers will

  • understand and apply the documented principles in addition to any requirements dictated by the law;
  • comply with the FSC Life Insurance Code of Practice;
  • adopt a professional and positive approach towards claims assessment; and
  • promptly pay claims that satisfy the policy terms and conditions

Intention of Total and Permanent Disability cover

Why have TPD cover?

Rest’s Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance cover is designed to provide a lump sum payment to support you when it is unlikely that you will ever work again in a suited occupation. The payment can assist with the financial expenses you may incur (such as medical treatment or ongoing care) if you have a sickness or injury.

How much cover is provided?

Our Rest Super default level of TPD cover has been designed to provide some initial financial support for a typical member, regardless of whether they are full-time, part-time or casual, based on the age of the member and how much we believe they can afford to spend on premiums while protecting their retirement savings. Our Rest Corporate default level of TPD cover is chosen by your employer and can be found in your Employer Plan Summary.

The default level of TPD cover might not be right for everyone, so you have the option to apply for a level of cover that is right for you – whether it’s higher, or lower than the default level.

What happens if I need to make a claim?

If you need to make a claim, Rest’s insurer will consider your ability to perform the same (or similar) role, taking into account your previous education, training and employment experience. If you didn’t work at all for 13 months or more before being certified by a doctor as disabled, Rest’s insurer will look at different aspects of your sickness or injury (such as being unable to do everyday work activities ever again, severe and permanent mental health conditions, severe and permanent cognitive impairment), prior to determining how likely it is that you can return to work in a role that reasonably meets your education, training or experience.

If your claim is accepted by the insurer, the insurance benefits will be paid into your super account. If you then confirm that you want a lump sum paid to you, Rest is required by law to check that you meet what is known as a “condition of release” which means that you can have your super (including insurance benefits) released to you before reaching your retirement age. If a lump sum is paid to you, all or part of your withdrawal may be taxed.

Other terms and conditions apply to TPD insurance cover. You should read the relevant Insurance Guide here to determine if Rest’s TPD cover is right for you.

Intention of Income Protection cover

Why have Income Protection (IP) cover?

Rest Super’s IP cover is intended to provide you with a monthly income benefit to replace up to 77% of your pre-disability income if you have an extended absence from work due to sickness or injury. An additional amount of up to 12% of this monthly income benefit is also included to replace the super contributions which would otherwise be provided by your employer you were working.  This just helps protect your retirement savings.

How much cover is provided?

The default level of Rest Super's IP design is based on the generally low salaries of our Rest members who work in the retail industry. This helps to improve the affordability of premiums and reduces the chance of providing a member with more IP cover than they could actually claim. The level of IP is flexible, and members can apply for a higher level of cover (up to 77% of their salary, plus 12% of the monthly income benefit for super). 

The level of default IP increases over time, similar to the earnings of a typical Rest member (whether they are a full-time, part-time or casual employee). Cover is generally lowest at younger ages and increases as your age, and your salary is more likely to increase, then decreases again as you near retirement.

In addition to having the flexibility to change your level of IP cover, you can also change the waiting period and the benefit payment period at any time. Any changes that are accepted will only apply to claims with an incident date before the changes.. Any changes to your IP cover will result in changes to the premium you pay for your cover.

What happens if I need to make a claim?

You may be able to claim an IP benefit if you stopped working or are unable to work at full capacity in your usual job due to injury or sickness for a prolonged period.

If Rest’s insurer determines you are eligible to receive an IP benefit, the first monthly income benefit will be paid directly to you by Rest’s insurer. The first monthly income benefit is usually made at least one month after the waiting period has finished. IP benefit payments are assessed on a monthly basis and will continue to be paid to you until you can be reasonably expected to return to your usual job, however this benefit can only be made for a maximum period of time. 

If you make an IP claim and are approved, you might be receiving or entitled to other amounts, like sick leave or workers' compensation, for the same injury or illness. These amounts are treated as 'benefit offsets' as they are factored into your IP claim and could reduce the amount of IP benefit you receive.  

As well as sick leave and workers' compensation, some of the things we'll also consider include personal or other employer paid leave, and benefits from another insurance policy.

In the event you make an IP claim, the Claims Team at Rest’s insurer will support you to return to your pre-sickness or pre-injury life where possible through things like rehabilitation support, retraining or re-education.

Other terms and conditions apply to IP cover. You should read the relevant Insurance Guide here to determine if Rest’s IP cover is right for you.

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Stay on top of your insurance cover

It’s important to regularly check your insurance to make sure it continues to protect your needs. Head to the ‘insurance tab’ in MemberAccess to check or change your cover.

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Insurance Needs Analyser

Find out what type of insurance, and how much cover you could need, to protect yourself and your loved ones. Rest members, login to get started now.

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Cost of insurance cover calculator

Find out the cost of insurance cover in Rest Super here. Please refer to the insurance guide for details on how to determine the cost of insurance cover for Rest Corporate or speak to Rest Advice on 1300 300 778.

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Advice when you need it

Getting professional advice shouldn’t be scary. We’ve made it easy for members to get in touch – usually at no extra cost.

How to claim

We're here for you when you need us most. We know when making an insurance claim, it can be at a difficult time for you and your family.

We’ll do everything we can to make it as quick and painless as possible.