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Open a Rest Pension account

This checklist will help you become a member of Rest Pension.

1. Check you are eligible

To be eligible to open a Rest Pension account, you must have:

  • a minimum of $10,000 in super to invest
  • reached age 60
  • permanently retired from the workforce.

If you are still working and have met the first two requirements listed above, you can open a Rest Pension through a transition to retirement option.

2. Read important documents

Before opening a Rest Pension account, you are required to read and understand:

3. Consolidate all your super

Consider consolidating all your super funds and any lost super before opening a Rest Pension. Once you start a pension you cannot add to it. Before consolidating, speak to a financial adviser to check how this might affect your insurance, benefits and any exit fees in your current fund.

4. Make some decisions

You will be asked to make some decisions on:

  • your pension payment amount
  • frequency of payments
  • nominating a beneficiary
  • making an investment choice.

5. Complete the application form or join online

Join Online

Before opening a Rest Pension account online, you will need to:

Complete the Form

Please complete and sign the Rest Pension Application Form that is in the back of the Rest Pension Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and send your signed application form to:

Rest Pension
Locked Bag 5042
Parramatta NSW 2124