Investments at Rest

Rest is one of Australia's largest industry super funds, with around 1.9 million members and more than $80 billion in funds under management*.

Our Core Strategy option has delivered 8.29% pa since we were founded in 1988**

*As at 31 March 2024

**Core Strategy returns are the compound average effective rate of net earnings since inception to 30 June 2024. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance

Want to learn more about super investments?

Jagged arrow illustrating market volatility

Understanding investments

Your super is likely to be one of your biggest investments. We’ve made it easy to understand investments and super.

Rest member Rithe looks at her laptop

Managing your investments

It’s easy to manage your super with Rest. You can easily review and make changes by switching your investment strategy whenever you like.

Collgar Wind Farm

How we invest

We're committed to delivering strong, long-term investment returns by capturing market opportunities and integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors through active investment management.

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