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Super Tips

Here's the latest information and support that'll help you take charge of your future and super.

How much super do people have at my age?

Have you ever wondered if you have the right amount of super for your age?

How much super do I need to retire?

Learn more about how much you might need to retire, retirement budgets, retirement lifestyles and how much you might need each year in retirement.

Retirement planning checklist

Here are three steps to get your retirement planning underway right now.

Making downsizer contributions

Aged 55 and over? You can put some of the money from the sale of your home into your super account.

How is super split in a divorce?

Learn how to navigate divorce and super

What the new payday super rules mean for you

From 1 July 2026 employers will be required to pay their employees’ super contributions at the same time as their salary and wages.

Showing 1 ~ 6 of 89 Super Tips