Super Tips
Here's the latest information and support that'll help you take charge of your future and super.
Is Rest an industry super fund?
Yes, Rest is an industry super fund and has been since 1988. Learn more about industry super funds, profit-for-member super and why 2 million members choose Rest for their retirement nest egg.
What is an account based pension?
Find out how an account-based pension works, and how Rest could help you set yours up today.
How much super do people have at my age?
Have you ever wondered if you have the right amount of super for your age?
Superannuation for Under 18s
Discover whether under 18s are eligible for super and what the super guarantee is.
Personal super contributions
Understand personal super contributions with Rest Super. Check eligibility, benefits, and easy steps to contribute towards your retirement savings.
What is super?
How much do you know about super? We’ve broken it down to help you get your head around it.