July 1 2024

Your go-to checklist for super and changing jobs

There’s a lot to think about when changing jobs. You’ve got names to remember, commutes to plan (or a virtual workspace to set up) and decent coffee shops to find. Here’s a handy checklist to help get one thing off your admin plate - getting your super sorted.

1. Check your super payments

It may sound simple but it’s worth checking that your previous employer was paying your super (and correctly). If you’re eligible, your employers must pay at least 11.5% of your ordinary time earnings into your super account (known as the superannuation guarantee). Ordinary time earnings (OTE) are what the employer will pay you for your ordinary hours of work, including things like commissions and shift loadings. Contact your super fund or check your member statements to review your previous super payments.



If you are a Rest member you can jump in Rest App and see all the super contributions your employer has made right now.

2. Find your super

If you’ve changed jobs before, you might have more than one super account. Combining your super into one account might make things easier for you in the long run and could also help you avoid paying multiple fees. Learn more and see if your super might be better together.

* Before combining your super with another fund, consider if the fund is right for you. Check out the fees and costs of your other funds plus any benefits that would be lost, such as insurance cover. Make sure your other fund knows about any contributions you intend to claim a tax deduction for, before combining. If you have any questions, it’s a good idea to speak to a licensed financial adviser or visit MoneySmart.gov.au for more information.

3. Make sure your super is in the right place

There are different types of funds to choose from, and now could be a good time to make sure you’re with the right one for you. Rest is a profit-to-member fund, which means we return profits to members, not shareholders. Want to know more? You can learn about how different types of funds work here.

4. Prep your paperwork

Your new employer will ask for your super fund details so they know where to pay your super. It’s like how you share your bank account details with them so you can get paid, your employer will give you a Choice of Fund form so they know where to pay your super.

If you are a Rest member, you can fill out this form or, even easier, head to the Rest App and in just a few taps, you can email your employer with all the details they need.



In case you need them, Rest Super’s fund details are: 


Rest ABN: 6265 3671 394

5. Boost your super balance

If your new job comes with a new salary, consider if you can afford to make additional contributions to your super. A little extra now could make a big difference to your balance in the long run. Pre-tax contributions may even reduce the amount of tax you pay, so it’s worth checking if your employer offers this as an option. Read more about the different ways you can boost your super here.

6. Know when to expect your payments

Employers are required to make super payments at least four times per year. Some may pay monthly or fortnightly. Know when to expect your super contributions so you can check on this from time to time (see tip #1). The way you find this out? Simply ask. 😊

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