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If you are a Rest member or employer please click here to contact us.

Media contacts

Letter in an envelope
Please email your media inquiries to

Michael Mills

Senior Manager, Communications – Media Relations
Phone: +61 428 499 722

Emma Kerswell

Senior Manager, Communications – Consumer & Content
Phone: +61 498 709 830

Samantha Baden

General Manager, Communications and Community
Phone: +61 408 853 943 

If you are a Rest member or employer please click here to contact us.

Fast facts

  • Rest has about 2 million members.

  • Rest is a profit-to-member superannuation fund, meaning that all profits generated by Rest go back to our members.

  • About 60 per cent of Rest’s members are female, and 50 per cent are aged 30 or younger.

  • Rest manages around $85 billion of assets globally on behalf of its members.

  • Rest is managed by a board of 9 Trustee Directors, including an Independent Chair, as well as 4 Alternate Directors. Our board is made up of both employer and employee representatives from the retail industry, as well as independent experts. For more information on the board please click here

~Figures are approximate as at 30 April 2024.


For more information on Rest spokespeople, please click here.

About Rest

Established in 1988, Rest is one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds by membership. For more than 30 years, Rest has been looking after hardworking Australians and their super. We use our size and expertise to deliver competitive long-term investment performance to around 2 million members.

While Rest has been known for its large membership base in the retail industry, Rest’s members are now diverse and span across many industries. As a regulated public offer super fund, membership with our fund is open to any Australian that is eligible to receive superannuation.

For more information about Rest please click here.

~Figures are approximate as at 30 March 2024.

Annual Report and additional supplements

Our Annual Report is a great starting point for more information on Rest’s latest business initiatives. 

For more information on our responsible investing initiatives, take a read of our most recent Sustainability, Responsible Investment and Climate Change Supplement.

All previous annual reports and supplements can be found here.   

Public policy and advocacy

Rest advocates for a fairer super system for all Australians. Read some of our policy submissions below. 

Rest’s submission in response to the Consultation Paper on the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations 5th Edition

Latest update 7/05/2024

Rest’s submission in response to the Consultation Paper on the Annual Superannuation Performance Test – design options

Latest update 26/04/2024

Rest’s Submission in response to the discussion paper on Retirement phase of superannuation, February 2024

Latest update 13/02/2024

Rest’s 2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission


Rest’s Submission on the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes package

Latest update 13/12/2023

Rest’s Submission in response to the Consultation Paper on Sustainable Finance Strategy, November 2023

Latest update 13/12/2023

Rest’s Submission to the Consultation Paper on Securing Australians’ Superannuation

Latest update 6/11/2023

Rest’s Submission to the second Consultation Paper on Climate-related financial disclosure, June 2023

Latest update 25/07/2023

Rest’s Submission to the Consultation Paper on Climate-related financial disclosure

Latest update 9/05/2023

Rest’s Submission on the Your Future, Your Super, Superannuation Performance Test Draft Regulations

Latest update 9/05/2023

Rest’s Submission on the Modern Slavery Act Review

Latest update 24/11/2022

Quality of Advice Review - Issues Paper

Latest update 17/10/2022

Rest’s Submission to Treasury on the Your Future, Your Super Review

Latest update 17/10/2022

Rest’s Retirement Income Review Consultation Paper Response

Latest update 1/07/2022

Rest’s Submission on the Retirement Income Covenant

Latest update 1/07/2022

Single Default Superannuation Accounts: Stapling versus Auto-rollover

Latest update 1/07/2022

News at Rest