Diversification is key in volatile times
With these uncertain times, frequent and significant market moves can be expected. Rest’s experienced investment team have managed periods of market volatility many times before and fully expect to navigate them again while remaining focused on delivering long-term superior investment performance for our members.
Rest’s portfolios are diversified through investment across a wide range of assets. This has the dual purpose of minimising risk during choppy markets and diversifying return sources, both of which contribute to the overall performance. Rest’s exposure to energy and commodities within our share portfolio and our exposure to listed infrastructure and private assets such as property and infrastructure helped the portfolio’s resilience over the quarter.
Despite this challenging period in world markets, Rest’s Core Strategy proved relatively resilient, returning -1.45% over a difficult quarter where global equity markets were down by 5.2%. Over the year ending March 2022, the Core Strategy returned 8.39%.
For Pension members, the default Balanced option retreated just 1% over the quarter and delivered 7.38% over the year to March 2022.