Rest positions for further growth with streamlined investments structure
Friday, 9 August 2019
Following the completion of a 12-month review, Rest has refined its investments structure and governance framework to get the full benefit of existing investment expertise and position the fund for further growth.
Rest’s wholly owned investment arm Super Investment Management (SIM) will be integrated into the fund’s internal investments team, and a new Chief Investment Officer position has been created.
“This change builds on Rest’s strengths as a major superannuation fund with $57 billion in funds under management and brings our investment expertise together in a single team to focus on further growth,” said Rest CEO Vicki Doyle.
“Having a single team also allows the fund to be nimbler in decision making and will further align all our investments functions with the rest of the fund as we continue to deliver superior member and employer experiences.”
The new Chief Investment Officer role will be responsible for implementing the investment strategy, as set by the Rest Board and the Board Investment Committee.
The Chief Investment Officer at SIM, George Zielinski, has been appointed as the interim Chief Investment Officer of Rest effective immediately. Rest will now commence recruitment to fill the position permanently.
Normal operations will continue for both teams while the transition to a single team is carried out. Simon Esposito will take on the role of Head of SIM to manage day-to-day activities of SIM.
Rest’s investment beliefs, strategy, objectives and options remain unchanged.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Mills Corporate Communications Manager Michael.Mills@rest.com.au t: (02) 9275 7590 m: 0428 499 722 |
About Rest
Rest is one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds by membership with around two million members and $57 billion in funds under management as at 30 June 2019. Rest is a member of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
About SIM and George Zielinski
Super Investment Management Pty Ltd (SIM) is the wholly owned internal investment management arm of Rest. Established in 1997, SIM directly invests for Rest across cash, bonds, project finance debt, property, Australian equities, private equity and infrastructure asset classes. SIM also provides asset allocation and foreign exchange overlay services to the fund.
George Zielinski established SIM when he joined Rest in 1997. Prior to joining Rest, Mr Zielinski was Head of Investment at VFMC and has also held various executive positions with the State Electricity Commission of Victoria and its successors, including Treasurer and Manager Strategic Planning, and he sat on the Trustee Board and Chaired the Investment Committee of VEI Super (now EquipSuper).