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Fund details

In addition to your super balance these are important numbers you'll need to know.

Fund Details

MySuper unique product identifier: 62 653 671 394 831
Fund name: Retail Employees Superannuation Trust (Rest)
Rest ABN: 62 653 671 394
Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL): 240003

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) / Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN): RES0103AU
Rest Contact phone number: 1300 300 778
Rest postal address: PO BOX 350 Parramatta NSW 2124
Superannuation Fund Number (SFN): 1311 66 940

Rest Digital Member Card displayed on a mobile phone

Your Rest Digital (re)Member Card

Wouldn’t it be nice to skip the search next time you need your super details?

Keep your super details in your pocket with the Rest Digital Member Card*. Head to the Rest App, click on "More" and go to the "Account" page to add your card to your phone’s digital wallet today. Simple.

*Available on iOS and Android devices. Not available to Rest TTR or Rest Pension members.

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Speak to a Customer Service Consultant, Monday to Friday 8am-8pm and Saturdays 9am-5pm (AEST/AEDT).



Speak to a Customer Service Consultant between 8am-8pm (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday



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