How do I consolidate my super with Rest?
You can find and combine your super in the Rest App or through MemberAccess.
Rest App
1. Log into the Rest App and click on 'More' at the bottom of the screen
2. Under 'Tools', select 'Combine My Super'
3. Have your ID ready to complete a quick verification check (if you’ve already done this, you’ll skip to step 4)
4. Start your search, and choose the funds you’d like to combine into Rest.
1. Log in to MemberAccess
2. Click on the 'Combine your super' tab
3. Click on the ' Find and combine my super' button
4. Have your ID ready to complete a quick verification check (if you've already done this, you'll skip straight to step 4)
5. Start your search, and choose the funds you'd like to combine into Rest.