Insurance features
When you join Rest Super, if you’re aged 25 or over with a balance of at least $6,000 in super, you’re automatically covered by our insurance package. Everyone else can choose to take out this protection. Depending on eligibility, we offer Default Cover for Death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and Income Protection (IP).
All detailed information about our insurance offering is available in the Rest Super Insurance Guide.
Insurance options
Death cover
- Provides your beneficiaries a lump sum, or if chosen a pension, when you die.
- Rest’s life stage cover means that the amount you're insured for starts low and will automatically change depending on the stage of your life and your expected need for Death cover.
- Unlimited Voluntary cover available*.
TPD cover
- Provides a lump sum benefit to you at most ages if you become totally and permanently disabled as a result of being sick or injured.
- Voluntary cover is available to a maximum of up to $5 million.
Income Protection cover
- Provides you with an income stream if you’re unable to work for a prolonged period due to injury or illness.
- Voluntary cover is available to a maximum of up to $30,000 per month*.
- Waiting period – 60 days
- Benefit period ends on the earliest of:
- when you are no longer totally or partially disabled.
- the end of your benefit period (or at age 70 if this occurs earlier) if your waiting period ends before age 58.
- the end of a two-year benefit period (or at age 70 if this occurs earlier), if your waiting period ends on or after age 58.
- your death.
Insurance features
Transfer cover from another fund
You can transfer existing cover you may hold with your previous super fund or another insurer to Rest. Limits and conditions apply (see Rest Super Insurance Guide for further details).
Terminal Illness
A Terminal Illness benefit is the amount of money payable to you if it is medically determined that you have a limited life expectancy (see Rest Super Insurance Guide for further details).
You may be able to claim your superannuation account balance and, depending on the type of insurance cover you have, an insurance benefit the same as your death cover.
Voluntary cover
With Rest Super you have the option to increase your level of cover at any time*.
Automatic cover when changing jobs
When your new employer contributes to your existing Rest Super account, you do not need to reapply for insurance cover as long as your previous cover wasn't cancelled or didn't end due to insufficient account balance, or inactivity.
Continued cover
When you change jobs and are not working for a Rest employer, your cover will continue (if you have any) as long as your account balance has sufficient funds to meet the cost, and your account doesn’t become inactive.
Special offer for new Rest members
You can increase your amount of Cover, without having to provide any health evidence (limits and conditions apply) within 180 days of the date you started employment. Apply for additional cover by calling 1300 300 778.
* Subject to underwriting and approval by the insurer