What can I find in a super product PDS?
Benefits of investing with the super product
What are the great things about the product? This will set out a summary of the product’s significant features and the benefits it provides.
Risks of super
Like with all investments, you should consider the potential risks of super and significant risks of the particular product.
How we invest your money
Expect to see information about different investment options offered within the product.
Fees and costs
Here you’ll find a detailed breakdown of any fees and costs for the product, including administration fees and costs, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and others.
Tax information
This is a summary of significant tax information to help you understand how super is generally taxed.
Complaints handing procedure
Find out the process for making complaints about the super product, so you know how to get help if you need it.
Note: Information above is not exhaustive. A PDS will contain other important information. You should carefully read and consider all information in the relevant PDS before making a decision. A PDS can be made up of multiple documents.