Concerns and complaints

We are committed to providing the highest standard of client service and maintaining our reputation for honesty and integrity.

If our service or product quality fails to meet your expectations please tell us about your concerns. Rest's complaint management process aims to ensure your concerns are treated seriously and addressed promptly and fairly.


Have concerns? We're here to help

If you have a concern, please contact us to see if we can solve your problem immediately.

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint to Rest by email, letter or phone, noting that you wish to lodge a complaint.

Lodge your complaint online

Connect with one of our Customer Service Specialist via Live Chat Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturdays 9am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT).


Email Rest with the subject line 'Complaint'.

In order to identify your account and respond to you in a timely manner, please include the below information when submitting a formal complaint.
  • Your Rest member number
  • Your full name as it appears on your account
  • Your full name (if you are lodging a complaint on a member's behalf) 
  • Contact details including contact number and email
  • Details of your complaint
  • What outcome you are seeking to resolve your complaint

Lodge your complaint by letter

Please address your concerns to:

The Trustee Services Officer
PO Box 350
Parramatta NSW 2124

Please write 'Complaint' on the envelope and letter. 

In order to identify your account and respond to you in a timely manner, please include the below information when submitting a formal complaint.

  • Your Rest member number
  • Your full name as it appears on your account
  • Your full name (if you are lodging a complaint on a member's behalf) 
  • Contact details including contact number and email
  • Details of your complaint
  • What outcome you are seeking to resolve your complaint

Lodge your complaint by phone

Call us on 1300 300 778 Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT).

How long will it take to respond to your complaint?

We’ll acknowledge your complaint within one business day.

If we don’t deal with your complaint within 45 days, or 90 days for a death benefit, or you’re not satisfied with the outcome, you may take the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

Who is the Australian Financial Complaints Authority?

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) is an independent external dispute resolution scheme. It provides fair and independent financial services complaints resolution that is free to consumers.

While sincere attempts will be made to resolve differences between members and funds, in some instances the AFCA may need to make a binding ruling.

AFCA does not charge members for its service and they can be contacted on 1800 931 678 or or visit the AFCA website at

Complaints Policy

Our Complaints Management Policy has more information about how we handle complaints.