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Rest further strengthens internal investment expertise with new Australian equities head

21 June 2021

Rest, one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds, has continued to strengthen its internal investment expertise with the appointment of an experienced equities portfolio manager.

Chris Drew has been appointed Head of Australian Equities, and will oversee Rest’s Australian Equities asset class.

This is a new role reporting to Kiran Singh, Rest’s Head of Listed Assets. Mr Drew will start in the role in July and will be based in Rest’s Sydney office.

“During the past six months, we’ve expanded the internal expertise within Rest investment’s team. We built on the existing expertise in the team and have assembled a group of experienced leaders who are focused on constructing member-focused, multi-asset portfolios,” said Andrew Lill, Chief Investment Officer, Rest.

“Chris has more than a decade’s experience in managing equities portfolios on behalf of members.

“Australian equities is one of our largest asset classes and is a key driver in delivering strong and competitive returns for members. Chris’s experience and expertise will be valuable as we position for further growth.”

Mr Drew joins Rest from Australian Catholic Super Fund, where he has been the Investment Manager – Public Markets since July 2015. In this role, he has managed the fund’s Australian and overseas equities portfolios.

Prior to this, he was an Investment Manager at Sunsuper from June 2012 to June 2015 and was primarily responsible for managing the Australian equities portfolio.

Mr Drew has also held roles with the Energy Industry Superannuation Scheme, and FuturePlus Financial Services.  

For further information, please contact:

Angelica Tziotis
Corporate Communications Specialist

m: 0438 918 051

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