December 15 2023
Media Release

Rest Super announces collaboration with Reunion Agency

Rest, one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds, has engaged independent creative agency Reunion to help the fund simplify and enhance the super experience for its nearly two million members.

Rest appointed Reunion to collaborate on the next phase of the fund’s brand and member experience strategy, which will focus on helping members better understand and engage with their super, following a competitive tender process.

"As a super fund representing one in seven working Australians, and more than a million members under the age of 30, we want all our member experiences to be easy to understand and access,” says Andrew Ford, Rest General Manager, Brand and Member Experience.

"When members are fully engaged in their super, they’re more likely to have a better retirement outcome."

The agency’s data-led and member centric approach is an asset to the collaboration, says Ford.

"The Reunion team share Rest’s commitment to simplicity, innovation and member empowerment," Mr Ford said.

"They bring a fresh perspective to strategy, creativity and experience that we believe will be an asset as we work to make super simple for our members."

Justin Hind, Co-CEO and Founder at Reunion Agency, said the agency would focus on delivering innovative solutions and leveraging its expertise in crafting brand narratives.

"We are honoured to join forces with Rest to bring cohesion and synergy to the various facets of its brand and member experience strategy."

"We look forward to contributing to Rest's continued success and enhancing the overall experience for their members."

About Rest

Established in 1988, Rest is one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds, with more than 1.96 million members and around $75 billion in funds under management as at 30 June 2023.

About Reunion

Reunion is an independent agency with a focus on data-led, audience-first strategies. By connecting strategy, creative, tech, customer experience, performance and media into a unified solution, its focus is growth and impact from brand and experience, to bottom line.

For further information please visit out media centre or contact:

Emma Kerswell
Senior Manager, Communications – Consumer and Content
m: 0411 794 206

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Rest media releases are point-in-time statements and are current as at the date of publication. Information may not be current and up to date after the date of publication. Please note the date of issue and check Rest’s website for other information on the same or related matters.