September 2 2024
Media Release

Rest unveils super simple makeover

Rest, one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds, has unveiled the latest evolution of its visual brand in support of its mission to make the super experience simple for its 2 million members.

The refreshed visual identity includes a simplified logo and an updated colour palette. It will appear on Rest’s website immediately and be gradually rolled out across Rest’s other platforms and in member communications.

These changes are a visual reflection of Rest’s commitment to removing complexity from the super experience for its members, says Deborah Potts, Rest’s Chief Member Officer.

“We represent around 2 million Australians, including more than a million who are younger than 30 years old. We want to create super they love by making the super experience simple.

“The goal is to make it easy for our members to build a relationship with their super. We hope our evolved visual brand will support members to take an active role in their financial futures through greater engagement with their super. We believe helping members become more engaged in their super will help them build financial confidence today and be better prepared for the future.”

Potts said Rest’s visual changes were designed with members’ needs at their centre and in support of Rest’s industry leading digital products and services, which includes Rest’s mobile app.

“Our refreshed visual brand is aligned to our members, their preferences and experiences. We know our members value seamless, intuitive digital experiences and they want to see this represented across all the places they interact with us, including on their smartphones. Around 70 per cent of our members are mobile-first. By default, we need to be too. We thought a lot about the mobile-first experience and accessibility during the design process for our refreshed visual brand.

“The Rest brand has become visually bolder and simpler, improving the accessibility scores across many of the brand’s elements.

“Rest has also chosen a modular design that presents information clearly and concisely. This breaks down complex information into smaller and more manageable pieces. By doing this, we can help members understand one concept at a time without feeling overwhelmed.”

Potts also said Rest tested and sought feedback on the refreshed visual brand with Rest members as part of the development process.

“The result is a simpler, more contemporary brand that we strongly believe will help Rest connect with our 2 million members.”

About Rest

Established in 1988, Rest is one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds, with around two million members and around $86 billion in funds under management as at 30 June 2024.

For more information, please visit our media centre or contact:

Emma Kerswell
Senior Manager, Communications – Consumer and Content
m: 0498 709 830

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