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Rest | AIA Vitality FAQs

Employer FAQs

When is access to AIA Vitality being removed?

Rest will stop taking new registrations for AIA Vitality for new and existing members as of the 1 December 2019.

Why is access to the program being removed?

Rest is changing insurers from AIA Australia to TAL Life Limited. AIA Vitality was offered to Rest members as part of the insurance partnership with AIA. Because of the changeover to a new insurer, we’re unable to continue to offer it to Rest members who haven’t registered for the program before 1 December 2019. Read more about the transition to TAL here.

What will happen to my employees that have registered for the AIA Vitality program?

Employees currently registered for the program:

Members with an AIA Vitality-discounted gym membership will continue as per current state until access to AIA Vitality is removed after 30 April 2020.

Members will be able to take out a new Anytime Fitness, Fitness First or Virgin Active gym membership before 31 December 2019.  Gym memberships will not be available to members after this date.

Employees not registered for the AIA Vitality program:

Rest will no longer be accepting applications for registrations for AIA Vitality from the 1 December 2019 for new and existing members.

Should I continue to actively promote the AIA Vitality program to my employees?

No, any AIA Vitality mentions should reiterate the program is only for existing Rest members who activated their membership before 1 December 2019. No new registrations onto the program will be possible after this date.

Are Rest communicating to members directly about the changes to the AIA Vitality program?

Yes, members that are using the program will be communicated to in mid-November 2019 advising how they will be affected by the change.

As an employer, what do I need to do?

Please remove any collateral or content that mentions AIA Vitality across all channels in your business.
As Rest will be communicating to members directly, if your employee has any additional questions, please link them to our member FAQs.

What benefits can I offer employees post 1st December 2019?

The Rest team are working on an exciting new member benefits program so watch this space. We also have a range benefits already available on our website and via the Rest App.

Should we continue to promote the Rest App?

Yes, the Rest App continues to be a valuable tool that we want our members to use and want employers to promote. Other App benefits can be found here.

To promote the App in your workplace, download our toolkit.
Copyright © 2019 AIA Australia Limited ABN 79 004 837 861 AFSL 230043. This information is current at the date of issue and is subject to change. For the most up to date information on the terms and conditions of AIA Vitality partners, and to view the benefits and rewards and AIA Vitality Terms and Conditions and Benefit Guides, go to the AIA Vitality section of the Rest app. For member queries, contact our member service team on 1300 213 411.