Rest Super launches new Member Learning Centre

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Recognising the need to support members with financial literacy information and education, Rest has launched a new Learning Centre which members can access as the primary hub for educational articles, videos and webinars.

Using feedback from members and employers in specially tailored research sessions, the centre has been launched with a range of segment-tailored content around specific life stages. Tyrone O’Neill, Group Executive for the fund’s Member Engagement team, said the hub formed part of Rest’s strategic objective to expand their advice and education offering.

"Now more than ever, we are conscious that our members may need extra support. With the launch of our new Learning Centre, this is just another way members can get resources to help them with their super," he said.

"At the moment, the Learning Centre features some great tips members can access around their insurance, investments and beneficiaries. Over time, we’ll look to continue to develop and add content and we already have some exciting things in the pipeline."

Rest Learning Centre

Visit Rest’s Learning Centre today to be updated and get resources to help with super