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Choose from our range of forms to help you manage your super

Super and Pension Insurance

Super and Pension

Pay my super to Rest - standard choice form

Complete this form and give it to your employer to nominate Rest as your chosen fund. Employers can also give this form to new employees to meet their choice of fund employer obligations.

Or to complete this request online visit here for the Standard choice form

Letter of compliance

Give this letter to your employer as written evidence that Rest is a complying super fund and will accept contributions on your behalf. The compliance letter outlines contribution methods for your employer and contains SPIN and ABN information.

Make a voluntary or spouse contribution

Make voluntary payments anytime using BPAY, check the Rest App or MemberAccess online for payment details.

Family law super payment instruction

This form is to be completed by the non-member spouse following the split of the member spouse's superannuation benefit as advised by a court order or superannuation agreement.

Provide your TFN

Add your TFN anytime in the Rest App or online in MemberAccess.

Keep your inactive low balance account with Rest

Complete this form if you have an inactive low balance account and you would like your account to stay with Rest.

Make a Trans-Tasman transfer request

Complete this form to transfer your super to a New Zealand KiwiSaver Scheme.

Want to claim a tax deduction?

Before you lodge your tax return, check to see if you’re eligible to claim a deduction on your personal super contributions. If you are, you’ll need to complete a Notice of Intent to Claim which you’ll find via your MemberAccess.

If you’d like to vary a deduction, complete this ATO form here and email a copy to us at contact@rest.com.au

Pension - TFN declaration (if you are under the age of 60)

Complete this form to declare how tax should be applied when receiving your pension payment(s).

Change your contact details online

Change address or contact details anytime in the Rest App or online in MemberAccess. Change your Rest Pension payment amount and frequency anytime online in MemberAccess.

Change your name or correct your date of birth online

To advise us of a change to your name or correct your date of birth, you’ll need to complete this online form and provide proof of identity.

Complete online form to change your name or date of birth

Change membership details or Rest Pension payment details

To change your membership details or your Rest Pension payment banking details, you’ll need to complete this form and provide proof of identity

Nominate a beneficiary

Make or change non-binding beneficiaries anytime in the Rest App or online in MemberAccess.

Set up a direct debit

Set up and manage direct debits to add to your account anytime in the Rest App.

Change your investment option

Change your investment options anytime in the Rest App or online in MemberAccess. Please note your switch will become effective 2 business days after being received.

Withdraw or rollover from your Rest super account

Complete the online form within MemberAccess to make a full or partial rollover / cash withdrawal of your super: 

  1. Login to MemberAccess 

  1. Click on Your Account in the top menu then on Benefit quote  

  1. Click on ‘complete this online form’ to begin 

You can also check your eligibility to withdraw as you complete the online form. 

Log in to MemberAccess to begin your application

Read our guide on how to complete the withdrawal form

We’ve gathered some useful resources to help you manage your cost of living expenses. Click here to download our factsheet.

Withdraw a lump sum from your Rest pension account

Make a lump sum withdrawal from your Rest pension account in MemberAccess

Third Party Authority

Complete this form to authorise your financial adviser or another person or company to access information about your account or your insurance claim on your behalf.

Downsize your home and upsize your super

If you’re aged 55 and over, you might be able to put some of the proceeds from the sale of your home into your super.

If you’d like to make a downsizer contribution, complete the ATO form provided in the second link above and email a copy to us at contact@rest.com.au.


Rest Super insurance application form

Apply for insurance cover or increase your existing insurance cover online in MemberAccess.

Reinstate your insurance cover

Complete this form to elect to reinstate your cover with Rest and return within 60 days of your insurance being cancelled due to your account being inactive for 13 continuous months or more.

Rest Super change your insurance form

Reduce your benefit period, change your waiting period, reduce your sum insured, cancel some or all your insurance in MemberAccess.

Life event insurance cover form

Increase your insurance cover in relation to a Life Event in MemberAccess.

Choose your Default insurance cover

If you don’t already have Default cover, use this form to:
  • choose your Default cover option (subject to eligibility)
  • tell us you don’t want Default cover to automatically start.
Alternatively, you can opt out of Default cover by contacting us.

Rest Corporate insurance application form

Apply for insurance cover, increase your existing insurance cover or lengthen your Benefit Period in MemberAccess.

Transfer your insurance from another fund

Transfer your existing Death and/or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) or Income Protection insurance cover to Rest Super or Rest Corporate in MemberAccess.

Rest Corporate change your insurance form

Reduce your benefit period, change your waiting period, reduce your sum insured, cancel some or all your insurance in MemberAccess.

Increase insurance with limited underwriting

If you haven’t increased your cover before, Rest’s one-off limited underwriting allows you a one-off increase of cover by just answering a few, short health questions.

Switch your occupation category

Apply to change your existing occupation category (Rest Corporate members or Rest Super members with voluntary cover) in MemberAccess.
Circle information icon

Product disclosure statements

If you want more information about our products and services, have a look at our product disclosure statement page


Graduation cap icon

Fact sheets

Our fact sheets can help you understand more about your super


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